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Eton Boys' Concert

8.15PM Thursday, 28th September 2023 (1 hour, 15 minutes)

This year’s Eton Boys’ Concert includes the College Chapel Choir giving the first performance of a composition written by Viscount Linley to mark The King’s Coronation. The concert features some of the most advanced musicians in the school. Highlights this year will include Vivaldi’s Recorder Concerto in A minor as well as the new Orwell Sixth Form Scholar performing Romance by the American pianist and composer Amy Beach. The concert will be held in the spectacular surroundings of the newly refurbished Eton College School Hall, which now offers a world-class concert hall experience.

There will be a reception for Members of the Festival prior to the concert in The Drawing Schools, Eton College, for the Opening of Jon Schueler: Sing Blues in Grey a solo Exhibition.